The Fastest Way To Meet Women
If you’re like most guys, you’re busy. You lead a full, active life. It can feel as though you just don’t have TIME to meet women. Click this link to learn how you fix that. Flirt smarter, not harder!
One excuse I hear from guys a lot is they don’t have the time to meet new women.
“I’m working 60 hours a week…”
“I have to go to the gym and keep fit…”
“I’m busy with friends / hobbies / studies etc.”
And I get it. We’re all busy these days with everything going on in our lives. And part of being an attractive man is having a well-rounded life… so I’m not suggesting you quit a bunch of stuff so you can go out and talk to women all day.
But what if you could meet women in the “Dead Time” you have available each day?
Dead Time is when you’re not really doing anything, but you’re in the middle of something else.
For example, if you ride the subway to work each day… All of that time sitting on the subway is Dead Time. Most people use it to read a book or listen to music… but you can just as easily use it to strike up a conversation with a woman sitting nearby.
Here are some other examples of Dead Time where you could be talking to women:
In between sets at the gym…
If you’re resting for thirty seconds to two minutes between sets, that’s long enough to say hi to a woman you’ve been making eye contact with.
You don’t need to get into a long conversation. Just chatting for a few seconds at a time over the course of your workout soon adds up, and it also makes us feel more comfortable because you’re not sticking to us like glue.
While being served…
Over the course of any given week, you probably have a lot of Dead Time while being served. It could be the barista at your local cafe… the woman scanning your groceries at the store… the waitress when you’re out to dinner… or any other number of common scenarios like this.
These are golden opportunities to practice the conversation skills I teach you about… And I’ve got many students now who have dated women they met in these exact situations.
Walking somewhere…
This is a huge one. Anytime you walk anywhere, there are opportunities to meet women if you simply open your eyes.
I’m not saying you need to go out of your way if you need to be somewhere at a certain time… but you could talk to women who are walking in your direction, while waiting to cross the street, or standing in one spot.
Even if it doesn’t lead anywhere, just opening your mouth and saying something will build your confidence and help make approaching women a habit.
Waiting for an appointment…
You could be at the doctor’s office… or at the DMV… or waiting for a business appointment.. Instead of wasting that time, you can pull out your phone and start talking to women on Tinder or Bumble.
When you start using all this Dead Time to meet women, then you don’t need to ‘find’ the time to actively go out and do it.
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